Perry Township firefighters say not enough money is being spent on trucks, equipment and maintenance, but the department's chief says the complaint is invalid and politically motivated.
Firefighters said that four of the department's seven front-line trucks were out of service last weekend, forcing them to borrow a truck from Decatur Township.
"This bothers me a great deal," Perry Township firefighter Mark Roberts said. "This goes to the safety of the firefighters and their ability to come to your home and do their job properly. The vehicles, in my opinion, are not maintained the right way."
Perry Township Fire Chief Ray Meredith said only three trucks were unavailable over the weekend, but firefighters counter that Meredith might have been unaware that the fourth was leaking antifreeze and needs repair.
Meredith said he is safety-conscious and has everything promptly corrected as soon as it is brought to his attention. He blamed politics for unrest in his department.
"This is an election coming up here, and some of our firefighters are unhappy with what's going on. They like to see problems stirred," Meredith told RTV6's Norman Cox .
When Cox asked what made the firefighters unhappy, Meredith answered, "I think they're unhappy being firefighters, myself."
Firefighters said all calls are being answered, but they said the quality of Perry Township's service would greatly improve if the fire departments in Marion County were consolidated, which is what Indianapolis Mayor Bart Peterson wants.
Firefighters said Perry Township would get more and better equipment under consolidation. Meredith, however, said more and better equipment already is on the way, Cox reported.
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