Part-time Positions to Fill Gaps at Iowa Department
Source Knoxville Journal-Express, Iowa
May 31-- "In my eyes, these are positions that will be very important to the City," Knoxville Fire Chief Nick Bonstell said.
The Knoxville City Council gave its approval for four part-time paramedic/firefighter positions to be added to the Fire/Rescue Department at a recent meeting.
Bonstell requested the positions, as his department has lost paramedics and emergency medical technicians to departments that offer full-time jobs. Knoxville Fire/Rescue was down to six paramedics and scheduling has become difficult. Those who are with KFR are already pushing 30-hour weeks.
By creating these positions, Bonstell believes scheduling will improve and there will be fewer "holes" to fill. Staff members would be guaranteed to be on call, and he believes the only budget impact will be in benefits. He estimates that the cost increase will be less than $1,000 per person. The extra assurance to these paramedics may increase the longevity of their service to the department.
"We really want people to be here, in the City of Knoxville, for years and years," Bonstell said.
Further benefits to the taxpayers will be greater accountability by these employees. Bonstell said the new scheduling will allow him to pinpoint who is responsible if issues arise.
Bonstell, and City Manager Harold Stewart, believe the people of Knoxville will have to consider the future of the department, and whether or not it should become a full-time, paid entity in the future. Bonstell intends to talk to the community and find out what they would support for the future of KFR to try to develop a long-range plan.
"This is probably a very smart move to do," Stewart said of adding the positions.
Copyright 2013 - Knoxville Journal-Express, Iowa