The June edition of the Firehouse Limited Edition Tablet App is now available to download with your iPad and large android tablets.
This month's cover photos come from a blaze that ravaged a large home in Montgomery County, Md. Be sure to turn your tablet to view both cover images for two views of the scene.
Dr. Richard Gasaway's 10 Tips series shares the good, bad and ugly to displaying humility to fire department customers.
"I have spent a lot of time on the road this year teaching and have been able to witness many fire departments on their training nights," Ryan Pennington said about his latest article, "Drilling for Success."
The latest "Views From the Jumpseat" column shares his observations to take training drills to the next step. Read about Pennington's top three firefighter drill skills.
Chief Allen Baldwin's latest article was written following a missed opportunity.
"While out in the district conducting code inspection follow up, I missed the opportunity to share fire prevention information," Baldwin said.
This month's "Random Thoughts from the Chief's Buggy" article explores some basic items that can be carried in the chief's vehicle to share fire and life safety messages. And, most of Baldwin's recommendations are free.
An enhanced version of the "For Firefighters, Rope Shouldn't Be a 4-Letter Word" article from the June issue of Firehouse Magazine offers additional photos and training ideas.
Grab your iPad, Samsung Galaxy Tab, Motorola Zoom or Nexus Android tablet and download the new edition from the iTunes store or download on Google Play.
Once you have downloaded the Firehouse App on your tablet, you can download 30 previous editions for free.