NBC is seeking firefighters to participate in a new television series titled "Breakthrough with Tony Robbins," led by life coach Tony Robbins and the producers of Extreme Makeover -- Home Edition and The Biggest Loser.
The show is set to focus on "extraordinary individuals who are struggling because of a tragic event or set of circumstances."
"The program hopes to raise awareness on a variety of challenges like the trauma involved with fire fighting," staff told Firehouse.com.
"We are looking for people who are unable to finish their training or go back to work because of a traumatic event that occurred. Ideally, we'd like to identify someone that had a specific dream or goal that was interrupted because of the emotional trauma."
The show is scheduled to air this coming fall, and the deadline for submissions is Tuesday, July 14th.
Additional information and application instructions are available at www.nbc.com/casting, and responses can be emailed to [email protected].