MILFORD, Conn. (AP) -- Two of the three former Shelton volunteer firefighters accused of setting a house on fire last spring have plead no contest to charges.
Charles Eye, 21, and Jonathan Belanger, 19, entered pleas in Superior Court Wednesday.
Eye pleaded no contest to accessory to first-degree arson and Belanger pleaded no contest to first-degree arson. Both face 10 years in prison, suspended after two served, when they are sentenced March 2.
Charges are still pending against Andrew Evans, 17 at the time of his arrest. He is charged with first-degree arson.
The three were arrested May 8 in connection with a May 2004 fire at an unoccupied house that was being built on Soundview Avenue.
The fire caused $175,000 in damage to the home, which would have sold for about $620,000.
Police said the three volunteer firefighters said they started the fire so they could be first on the scene.