Wash. Technical Rescue Team Saves Teen From River
Source The Columbian, Vancouver, Wash.
June 30--A technical rescue unit got a teenager out of a tight spot this afternoon at Lucia Falls.
The teen was at Lucia Falls Park with his family and was wading in the East Fork of the Lewis River above the falls. He slipped and floated down the river at about 1:15 p.m., according to a news release from Fire District 3.
He was able to grab a rock at the top of the falls and pull himself up. However, the rock outcropping was essentially an island between two waterfalls, said Battalion Chief Dave O'Brien of Fire District 3.
The Clark County Technical Rescue Team was asked to assist; the team has advanced water rescue training and is well equipped to handle incidents in swift water, O'Brien said.
Although a couple of scenarios were under discussion, including using rescue swimmers, the responders didn't have to put anybody in the river.
Three members of the rescue team used a ladder as a bridge between rocks to get the stranded teen back to shore. The teen had no injuries and was back picnicking with his family after the rescue.
When out enjoying the rivers of Clark County, it is important to remember there are no life guards, O'Brien warned. He advised wearing life jackets when swimming.
Copyright 2013 - The Columbian, Vancouver, Wash.