This rescue can seat four firefighters, and has a headset communication system. The front passenger seat and each rear seat has an SCBA. It is equip with a Hale water pump, and an air pack cascade system. On top it has a light tower and 6 additional compartments. The truck has cutters and spreaders from Genesis, and a set of Rescue 42 rescue stabilization struts. There a number of other tools including hydraulic rams, ventilation fans, fire hose, an EMS first responder bag, a generator, cold-water rescue suits, a 24-ft extension ladder, and a 14-ft roof ladder. It has a single siren, a federal-Q and air horns. There is also an Opti-Com system mounted on the roof. Mounted on the front bumper is a 1.5” fire hose with a combination nozzle, a winch, and another set of cutters from Genesis.